Saturday, July 30, 2011

I Love Freezer meals

I have been doing freezer meals for over 8 years. I love having the meals in my freezer. When it is dinner time and my kids are running around it makes me feel good that dinner is in the oven.

There are many ways to do freezer meals. I've done them a few ways but prefer to do it one way. I am in a freezer meal group we usually have 6 people but this last time we had 8. It worked just fine with 8 and I think that it was less expensive and faster. We do not always have the same people in the group some come and some leave.

Step one -Get together as a group and decide what day everyone can cook and what meals everyone wants to do. We usually do 25 meals.

Step two-Someone enters meals into a program which gives us a grocery list (I will talk about these programs in another post) When list is done we look through it and decide what needs to be prepared before hand. Such as meat cooked, onions chopped, and some meals are better cooked before had. When we get together we do not want to cook anything just combine things.
Step Three-Two people do the shopping. Shopping is usually done about 4 or so days away from cooking day. We have done it where we rotate the shoppers each time we cook and two different people shop, but we have decided that we like having the same people do the shopping each time.
Step Four-After shopping we have everyone meet at one of the shoppers house and divide up the food that needs to be prepared before hand. Before hand we prepare a list of recipes and what needed to be done for each person. (For example Wendy cooks Beef stroganoff at home chops carrots and onions)
Step Five-In our group it is the same 2 people that shop each time. We will do the shopping a few days before we cook. We usually buy some at Costco and some at a grocery store. This usually takes about 3 or so hours. Not something you want to do with kids. It should really be done with two people cause you are buying so much food. When we are done shopping we have everyone come over to one of the shoppers house and get the food that they need to prepare before hand which is on the lists that we have made for everyone.

Step Six-About three days later we get together at someones house and put together all the meals. Everyone brings a cooler or two and we put a list of all the meals on top and mark off the meals as they are prepared.
It sure feels great when the meals are all prepared. We usually cook every 2-3 months.

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